FAQ Help Center

popular questions

We have listed frequently asked questions on this page. Please contact us by email or WhatsApp if you do not find your question.

We ship through TCS, LCS, and M&P depending on the client’s location.

We accept returns within 7 days of order. The detailed policy is listed on our return policy page.

In case of a return, the client will have to pay for the shipping and return. Please refer to our return policy page here.

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Delivery & discounts


We put different products on sale from time to time. Please visit the sales page if you are interested in checking out the products currently on sale.

If you do not find your question here, please contact us on our WhatsApp, email, or any social media account.

No, we only ship to any address in Pakistan only.

You can subscribe to your sale notification and receive an email whenever new items get on sale.

It will take somewhere between 5-7 days depending on your location.